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CHAPTER 1 - page 3

The house, that house, Elia had spent the last 20 years running away from it, and now it beckoned to her again. Years earlier, she had vowed she would never go back, and yet, she was drawn back to the place that had twisted the souls of so many unfortunate people.

Sausalito, San Francisco, Northern California—home? Maybe, if there ever was a time for her to go back, it was now. Maybe this was the time for her to do it, once and for all, to deal with her demons and her past. Go back to the house. Back to that house, back to the House of Pearl.

Elia thought long and hard, there were so few reasons to go back, and so many reasons to stay away. The lies, the betrayals and the sadness: and evil—tragic events, things that had coursed through her family for generations. Maybe the evil was finally done with them. But like a moth to a flame, the urge to go back was too strong for Elia: she picked up her cell phone and texted her agent to get her on the first flight out and get her to
San Francisco the next morning.

CHAPTER 4 - page 24


The San Francisco skyline was lighting up now, boats anchored for the night just off shore, the Bay Bridge, Angel Island, Alcatraz and the rising moon were all visible this evening and set ablaze by the twinkling lights of the City. It was a landscape that many have painted and photographed over the years, but to see it on this night was something else, something magical. Elia confirmed this as she looked from side to side to capture the whole experience. This sight was spectacular! It was a vast twilight view of the city with a rising moon that came up between Angel Island and the San Francisco skyline. The moon was so large that Elia felt that she could reach out and touch it.

The moon glistened romantically and the air was sweet smelling from the night jasmine hedge next door. This would be a perfect evening for a date with a man that she loved or lusted for. But, for now she sat alone and the home was quiet and she had no idea about the body lying below it or the paranormal occurrences that were still happening around her. She thought that was over, and that all the spirits were long gone, but she would soon find out that they never left .

CHAPTER 10 - page 95


It was now the fall of 1896, and after months of incoherency from an excess of drinking constantly, Edwin managed to clean himself up and vowed to find Oshima, or at least avenge her, or die trying.

Late one evening, and after many inquisitions, the Captain had gathered some friends around a large round table set in the middle of the main parlor room of the house to begin a séance. He was still a very popular and influential man, and his friends were some of the brightest and most famous people of their day. This was a group of intellects, writers, and of course, a psychic.

The guests began to take their seats and took refreshments prepared for the evening’s event. Scotch and ale were poured, cigars were lit, and the vast fireplace crackled with a warm fire.

The Captain switched off the lights: the room was now lit only by the fireplace and the numerous candles that were burning and scattered about. Because of the extensive cigar smoke and crackling fire the room’s shadows gave an amazing three dimensional look to it. The mood in the room became serious as the paranormal ambiance of the parlor became very palatable, everyone was eager for answers as to what had happened to Oshima.




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